Feudal Furniture is an Add-On for Minecraft Bedrock that introduces over 800 decorative blocks inspired by a medieval/feudal setting! Additionally, it will include hundreds of functional blocks along with wood-type variants, making it perfect for servers or realms.
Main Blocks
🪓 Spikes: Functional for creating traps for players and mobs.
🕯️ Medieval Lamps: Functional lamps.
🧺 Baskets: Can hold items such as apples or carrots.
🚪 Gates: Can be opened and closed manually.
⚙️ Automatic Trapdoors: Useful for traps; if a player stands on them, the trapdoor will automatically open.
🔥 Fireplace: Can be lit with a flint and steel, and if a chimney is placed above, smoke will come out.
🪑 Chairs and Benches: Can be used to sit.
🏚️ Windows Can be opened and closed manually.
📜 Signs Directional arrows for pathfinding and signs to mark inns, mines, markets, etc.
Styles and Features
This Add-On features a style rooted in simplicity; all its textures and models are designed to mimic the vanilla style of Minecraft. It also offers features such as fruit baskets, automatic trapdoors, fences, seating, fireplaces, and much more!
Casual Uses
Many of the blocks are designed with a medieval or feudal environment in mind. Their primary uses include building castles, medieval houses, villages, shelters, outposts, farms, and more. Another use is decorating vanilla Minecraft structures, such as villages, outposts, mineshafts, and others.
Multiplayer Uses
The recommended uses for a server or realm include creating medieval markets or gathering places. Another great example is enhancing central plazas in villages, adding charm and authenticity to the setting.
Furniture Customization
The main customization as you can see is the wood variation, being able to choose between all the woods in the game, this excludes the miscellaneous decorations that will only have one or two variations.
Block Tags
If you enter the creative menu you will notice that the blocks are organized by material and by functionality, this functionality is known by its tag, an example would be “shining fir lamp” this indicates that its feature is to light, depending on the tag it will have interaction attributes such as hover or click.
To access blocks in Creative mode, you can do so through the Creative menu or by typing /give @p ff: in the chat (you'll see a list of all the blocks).
To craft them in Survival mode, you'll need a stonecutter and clayballs. Place the clayball inside the stonecutter, and you'll see a list of all the boxes from the Add-On. Once you've selected a box, place it in the stonecutter, and you'll see all the blocks you can choose to craft.

Available Languages

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How do I activate the Add-On? You’ll need to add both the Resource Pack and the Behavior Pack to the world.
Do I need Experimental Features? No, no experimental features are required.
Can it be used on Servers? Yes, it works on Aternos and dedicated servers.
Can it be used in Realms? Yes, you can use it in Realms with friends.
What should I do if the blocks don’t appear in the game? Reinstall the latest version of the add-on, and make sure that both the Resource Pack and Behavior Pack versions are the same. Also, ensure you're using the latest version of Minecraft Bedrock.
How do I update it? Simply download and install the latest version, activate the new version, and deactivate the old one. If you're on a server, let your users know to clear their cache.