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Add lore or description to your items and blocks with Lore Anvil, an Add-On for Minecraft Bedrock!

Add lore to your items!

Lore Anvil is an Add-On for Minecraft Bedrock that allows the user, thanks to a new feature, to customize the description or lore of the item or block, being able to customize it with emojis, colors and much more! You can also delete descriptions, removing unwanted text and writing it however you want!


Let's put an example for a use of Lore Anvil, in your survival you have dozens of swords and the customizable names are not enough to write, here is where you can use Lore Anvil to add descriptions and say the advantages or uses of your swords or tools. This in turn can be done with building blocks, if you want to classify it in levels such as "junk" or "uncommon" you can, the only disadvantage will be that once the block is placed, the description will be lost.


Imagen 1 Imagen 2 Imagen 3



You can acquire the anvil lore in the creative menu. You can also get them by using the command "/give @p la:lore_anvil.


Craft the Lore Anvil by crafting the following recipe:


Available Languages


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • How do I activate the Add-On? You’ll need to add both the Resource Pack and the Behavior Pack to the world.

  • Do I need Experimental Features? No, no experimental features are required.

  • Can it be used on Servers? Yes, it works on Aternos and dedicated servers.

  • Can it be used in Realms? Yes, you can use it in Realms with friends.

  • What should I do if the blocks don’t appear in the game? Reinstall the latest version of the add-on, and make sure that both the Resource Pack and Behavior Pack versions are the same. Also, ensure you're using the latest version of Minecraft Bedrock.

  • How do I update it? Simply download and install the latest version, activate the new version, and deactivate the old one. If you're on a server, let your users know to clear their cache.


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